Section Elections

Every year at Section Conference the Order of the Arrow welcomes every youth who is eligible to run for the offices of Section Chief, Section Vice Chief, and Section Secretary.

In order to run for a Section Office, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be an active member of the BSA and the OA, in good standing
  • Be younger than 21 for the entire term of office
  • Have written prior approval from your Council Scout Executive or their Council designee (Contact your Lodge Adviser)

Should you be elected, you must step down from any other elected national, regional or area position(s) within 30 days.

At Section Conference, there will be a Section Officer Candidate meeting to discuss the roles and responsibilities of Section Officers. The time and location of this meeting will be announced at the COC. This is the designated time to submit your letter of approval.

Arrowmen who intend on running for a Section Office should consult the Field Operations Guide prior to the Section Officer Candidate meeting.